My understanding is that nothing prohibits a person from being on a police force. However, if doing so requires you carry a firearm, you will not be able to hold any position in the congregation or have any "privleges"
hi everyone, i'm new here, i've been following the rc reports, and i was hoping you could help, my question is are jw allowed to be police, i heard the jws saying in one report with enthusiasm that they had jw in the policeforce.
and would there be any conflict from the force with any of their teaching, that would be contrary to duties..
My understanding is that nothing prohibits a person from being on a police force. However, if doing so requires you carry a firearm, you will not be able to hold any position in the congregation or have any "privleges"
the royal commissions public hearing into the jehovahs witnesses will recommence in sydney on friday 14 august 2015 at 11:00am.. it is anticipated that the hearing will hear from one witness, mr geoffrey jackson, a member of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.. .
You know, just thinking about this a minute, I think this is yet another snakey thing the society's up to.
The last thing they want is 1000 snippets of Jacksons testimony on YouTube , so what do you do?
They realize not one videoconferenced witness has been shown of the live stream, so they agree to a VC instead of a a live appearance.
It would be great if the RC technical people could find a way to get this VC on the stream.
the royal commissions public hearing into the jehovahs witnesses will recommence in sydney on friday 14 august 2015 at 11:00am.. it is anticipated that the hearing will hear from one witness, mr geoffrey jackson, a member of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.. .
Video link is better than nothing.
Unfortunately, the video links the RC has used thus far aren't seen on the stream, so we won't get to see all the squirming and grimacing.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
Not only do I not believe that man landed on the moon, I don't believe World War II ever happened either.
I also do not believe in the pogo stick.
"Chickery-chick, cha-la, cha-la
Check-a-la romey in a bananika
Bollika, wollika, can't you see
Chickery chick is me"
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
there is an unfulfilled prophecy in daniel about the last king that will be broken without human hand.
the prophecy says he will be fierce-looking, deceptive, efficent in his doings, smart and causing ruin to many.
and he will exalt himself.
Or maybe I made that up. It looks like John does eat a tiny scroll or two.
That would never hold Christie.
there is an unfulfilled prophecy in daniel about the last king that will be broken without human hand.
the prophecy says he will be fierce-looking, deceptive, efficent in his doings, smart and causing ruin to many.
and he will exalt himself.
Isn't there some strange creature in revelation that eats up a bunch of other strange creatures?
I think that's prefiguring Chris Christie.
words that motivate.
our communication has to pass through the mind of another human being and survive what his or her mind is going to do with it!.
wordsby themselveshave to motivate the listener in the same way a combination lock will open if the correct numbers are dialed in exactly the correct sequence.
Your "Language that manipulates" subheading reminds me of a quote by Noam Chomsky:
"I don't try to persuade people, at least not consciously. Maybe I do. If so, its a mistake. The right way to do things is not to try to persuade people you're right but to challenge them to think it through for themselves."
i always sit in the same spot, just outside starbucks in a vestibule area with a table in the air-conditioned space.
i say "always," but not today.. somebody with two laptops and a table filled with business ledgers was in "my" favorite spot!.
so, i took a tiny wooden table inside the coffee shop on a long padded bench next to 3 other identical tables.. as the clickbait banner ads like to say: "and what happened next was simply unbelievable!".
what do you think of the following line of reasoning for helping a jw start to think about what they are admitting.. (essentially, the organisations way of handling child abuse has been wrong, harm has been caused, god is now putting it right.).
"i appreciate your honesty, in admitting that child abuse has not been handled in the right way in the past.
I imagine JWs will use the "Jehovah is cleansing his organization by means of [insert name of secular authority here]" excuse.
Problem is, this is NOT one of the Society's teachings, and it NEVER HAS BEEN.